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What Makes A Good Website?

Why is a good website important?

A good website isn’t always one that looks good to you. Instead, a good website is one that works, that people want to use, that they want to come back to and that they want to interact with. Here are six tips for making a good website that will help you start off on the right foot and make your site a success.

Have a goal.

The first thing you need to do is make sure your website has a clear goal. What do you want people to do after they visit your website? Do you want them to buy something on your site, come to your store, fill out a form, or call you?

You are the only one who can answer these questions, but they will help you figure out what your website is for. This will make it easier to make a site that works.

Clean Style

Next, make sure that the design is neat and functional. People won’t come to your website to be wowed by how well it’s designed. Instead, they are looking for things you sell or the services you provide. So, the design should not be more important than the content.

This means using simple fonts that are easy to read and a set of colours that go well together. It also means removing almost all of a website’s design features, like sliders and animations. If they don’t make things better for the user, eliminate them.

People who visit your website have a short attention span. The clean design will help you get the information to them quickly so that you won’t lose their attention too soon.

Easy to get around

This is a part of clean design, but it is so important that it deserves its section. As a general rule, your visitors should be able to get to any page on your website from any page with one or two clicks. If you reach this goal, you will have a website that is easy to navigate.

Quick to load

Users don’t like slow websites, so it’s crucial that your site loads quickly. People won’t wait for a website to load for more than a second or two, so you could lose traffic before your content shows up. To further worsen the situation, search engines know that users don’t like sites that take a long time to load, so they use how fast a site loads as one of the factors to decide where it ranks in search results. So, if your site loads slowly, it’s likely that you’ll show up lower in search results than sites that load faster.

Mobile Friendly

The number of mobile users who visit your website will depend on your industry, but almost every website gets some traffic from mobile users. People are less likely to stay if your site doesn’t work well on mobile devices. Google also gives mobile-friendly websites more weight when people search from their phones.

So, if you want people to visit your website and stay there, make sure it works well on mobile devices.

SEO Optimised

Lastly, your site should be set up for search engines. This means ensuring the meta descriptions and titles are well-written and that other SEO standards are met, like using H tags, the image alt tag, making sure the content has keywords, etc.

By using these tips, you will be well on your way to making a good website.

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